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EITI seeks to create that missing transparency and accountability in revenue flows from the extractive industry....

The initiative encourages, government, extractive companies, International agencies and NGO’s to work together to develop a framework to promote transparency of payments in the extractive industries.

EITI pursues a policy of openness which promotes the concept of tolerance and good governance through the disbursement of royalties to benificiary communities and public disclosures...

Government's strategy for the sector is based on the recognition that the development of solid minerals in a sustainable manner can not be achieved without a deep involvement of the affected communities.

The EITI strategy calls for the definition of effective ways and means to empower and engage mining communities in the development process and to promote responsible behavior....

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2015 Mining Sector Report for Download

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Welcome to The Ghana Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative
Keynote Address By Hon. Dr. Kwabena Duffuor At Ghana EITI Breakfast Meeting On The Ghana Eiti Draft Bill PDF Print E-mail

Mr. Chairman
Colleague Ministers
Honourable Members of Parliament,
Members of the Ghana EITI National Steering Committee
Friends of the Media
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

1. It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to this all important breakfast meeting on the Ghana EITI Draft Bill. As a government and in line with the NDC party manifesto, the principles of EITI support our
efforts to promote good and accountable governance in our natural resource sectors.

Government Calls For Paradigm Shift In Africa Mining PDF Print E-mail

Government has affirmed that it would work effectively with Civil Society Organizations and other stakeholders in the mining sector for the realization of the transformative perspective of the Africa Mining Vision (AMV). The AMV is a pathway agreed by African nations that put the continent’s long term and broad development objectives at the heart of all policy-making concerned with mineral extraction. It sets out how mining can be used to drive continental development. It was adopted by Heads of States and Governments at February 2009 African Union (AU) Summit following the October 2008 meeting of African ministers responsible for Mineral Resources Development.

Chamber Of Mines Report Raises Eyebrows PDF Print E-mail

The Ghana Chamber of Mines, an association of mining companies, has launched an eyebrow-raising report, claiming that "On average 9.2% of a mining entity's revenue is paid to Government in taxes and contributions borne."  What the report means is that individual mining companies operating in Ghana paid $9.20 of every $100 (or GHC18 out of every GHC196) of their revenue to government in the form of taxes and other contributions in 2009 and 2010. Government in the form of taxes and other contributions in 2009 and 2010.

Second Sensitisation Workshop For Communities In The Oil And Gas Catchment Area PDF Print E-mail

The GHEITI Secretariat is organizing the Second Sensitisation Workshop for Communities in the Oil and Gas Catchment Area from 5th -7th July, 2012 in Axim at the Axim Beach Hotel, Western Region. 

The workshops will provide an opportunity to extensively engage communities within the catchment areas in the Nzema East and the Ellembelle districts of the Western Region on the principles of EITI, the relevance of Ghana EITI in promoting accountable governance and role of communities, and on the GHEITI Oil/Gas Reporting Templates. The workshop will create the necessary EITI awareness in the communities in preparation for future engagements with the 2010-2011 GHEITI Audit Reports which are expected later this year.

Keynote Address: GHEITI Sensitization Workshop For Oil And Gas Catchment Areas - June 14-16, 2012 PDF Print E-mail

Mr. Chairman
Honourable Assembly Members,
Members of the GHEITI NSC,
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.

Good morning and Welcome to this morning sensitization workshop on the Ghana Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Ghana. We are in Jomoro today not only because it is in the Western Region where the bulk of our natural resources are found and produced, but because you are in the catchment area of where our new natural resources, namely oil and gas is found.

GHEITI Study Tour/Field Visit To Mining Companies/Umat At Tarkwa PDF Print E-mail

The Ghana EITI in collaboration with the Chamber of Mines wishes to organize mines study tour for members of the Ghana National Steering Committee and EITI sensitization workshop for faculty members and students of the University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa (UMaT).

Capacity Building Workshop For Ghana Eiti National Steering Committee On Petroleum Revenue Management And EITI Oil From 27th – 28th April, 2012 At Forest Hotel, Dodowa PDF Print E-mail

The Ghana EITI Secretariat in collaboration with Revenue Watch Institute wish to invite you to a two-day capacity building workshop on petroleum revenue management and EITI reporting templates for members of Ghana EITI multi-stakeholder group/Secretariat.

Minister Encourages Aboso Goldfeilds PDF Print E-mail

Ms Sherry Ayittey, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology, has commended the Aboso Goldfields Limited (AGL), Damang in the Western Region, for honouring its corporate social responsibility. This follows a working visit to Damang on Friday during which she assessed the company's operations and projects for the community.

First EITI Audit Report on Ghana’s Oil Set for this Year PDF Print E-mail

By Frederick Asiamah

Ghana is set to produce its first report on payments of taxes by oil companies to government under the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) this year. Mr. M. Bashiru Abdul-Razak of the Ghana EM (GHEITI) Secretariat, who disclosed the information at a meeting in Accra, also hinted Public Agenda that managers of the process anticipate that the aggregator (consultant" would complete his work by August, allowing for the launch or the report before the close of 2012.

Transparency in petroleum sector still questionable- lEA PDF Print E-mail

By Frederick Asiamah

The Ghana government is still far from excellent performance as far as transparency in the petroleum sector is concerned, according to a new report by the Accra-based think tank, the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA). In its Petroleum Transparency and Accountability Index (IEA P- TRAC Index), which monitors progress made in respect of the transparent management of the oil and gas sector in the year 2011, the IEA scores government 59.7%, which is just below the B+ grade if the grading system of the School of Research and Graduate Studies of University of Ghana were used as a yardstick.

Experts call for local content compliance in mining - as multinationals are accused of sabotaging locals PDF Print E-mail

Ghana stands to reap greater benefits from improved local procurement in the mining sector than it is currently getting from relying on royalties and corporate taxes; various experts have stated in the light of centuries of exploitation of the mineral resources of the country without much to show for it. The World Bank, the Ghana Chamber of Mines, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and academics agree that when mining companies buy more local goods and services than they are presently doing, the country will gain over fourfold more than it is garnering from royalties from multinational miners.

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