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EITI seeks to create that missing transparency and accountability in revenue flows from the extractive industry....

The initiative encourages, government, extractive companies, International agencies and NGO’s to work together to develop a framework to promote transparency of payments in the extractive industries.

EITI pursues a policy of openness which promotes the concept of tolerance and good governance through the disbursement of royalties to benificiary communities and public disclosures...

Government's strategy for the sector is based on the recognition that the development of solid minerals in a sustainable manner can not be achieved without a deep involvement of the affected communities.

The EITI strategy calls for the definition of effective ways and means to empower and engage mining communities in the development process and to promote responsible behavior....

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2015 Oil & Gas Report for Download

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2015 Oil & Gas Report for Download

NewOil & Gas Sector Report for 2015 Uploaded. Click here to download. Other reports varying formats are available from the Publications section. Please click [HERE]

Welcome to The Ghana Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative
Mining Companies Struggle To Survive PDF Print E-mail

The fortunes of mining companies world-wide are on the decline with some closing shop as a result of the collapse of gold prices, and in the face of increasing demands from host countries for higher rents from the industry to support their development efforts, Mr. Alfred Baku, Executive Vice President, of Goldfields West Africa has stated.

ENI Set To Comply… PDF Print E-mail

Italian oil giant, EN!, is set to become the first and the only upstream oil and gas company operating in Ghana's offshore exploration area to comply with the Fisheries Act of 2002 ( Act 625) by undertaking a Fisheries Impact Assessment (FIA) for its offshore project area.

Other companies at various stages of exploration and production, including Tullow, Kosmos and partners, have so far refused to comply with the requirement to undertake a fisheries specific impact of their activities. Information sourced from the Civil Society Platform on Oil and Gas suggests that Eni¬-Ghana Exploration and Production Limited is currently conducting a FIA as the company readies itself to develop its Offshore Cape Three Points (OCTP) blocks.

Anglogold: Retrenchment painful but neccessary PDF Print E-mail

Anglogold Ashanti (AGA) says the retrenchment programme being undertaken at the Obuasi mine is a painful but a necessary measure to avoid liquidation and ensure the long term viability of the mine. “Given the state of the mine, the choice is to either endure short-term pain for long-term viability and profitability or we go for liquidation, which is not in the interest of our business and social partners and, for that matter, Ghana as a whole,” a senior Manager, Communication and Public Affairs at AGA, Mr. John Owusu, told the Daily Graphic in Accra.

Tullow leaves the giants in the cold PDF Print E-mail

As Tullow breaks ranks with big oil, gas, and mining companies to disclose its earnings and payments on country-by-country and project-by-project basis, Public Agenda's Editor, Dr Steve Manteaw, who played a crucial role in the advocacy for the passage of the EU transparency legislation, joins industry watchers in asking: What new grounds will the big players cite for their resistance? The week has seen a flurry of acknowledgment and commendations for Tullow Oil for its voluntary disclosure of all its earnings and material payments to its host governments in 22 countries in 2013.

Newmont pays GHC77 million as tax to Gov’t PDF Print E-mail

Newmont Ghana Gold Limited, through its Ahafo and Akyem mining operations, paid a total of GHC 76,783,341 for the first quarter (January - March) of 2014 to the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) as tax. The tax payment is an increment of the GHC302,984,925 the leading gold mining company contributed to the government as tax, revenue in 2013.  

Minister Places Moratorium On Gold Prospecting Licenses PDF Print E-mail

The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources has, on the recommendations of the Minerals Commission, has placed a three-month (90-day) moratorium on processing of new applications for reconnaissance and prospecting gold licenses with effect from Friday May 30.

Ghana Gets First Assaying Laboratory - as Minerals Commission Unveils its strategic plan PDF Print E-mail

Land has been acquired for the establishment of the first public assaying laboratory in Ghana to certify minerals for export and domestic use.

"The Commission will ensure the speedy development of the proposed assay laboratory at the airport area where land has already been acquired. This will help in ascertaining the quality and purity of gold exports from Ghana, thereby determining the actual value and the proceeds thereof that will come to government,"  the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Minerals Commission, Dr Toni Aubynn, revealed this when he unveiled the Commission's strategic plan that is anchored on its vision and mission for the . Improvement of the country's mining industry.

Special Report: The Cost of Galamsey PDF Print E-mail

Large acres of land in the Ashanti and Central regions have been devastated by galamsey operators. The government may have succeeded in flushing out thousands of illegal small-scale miners, mostly foreigners, but a more daunting task of reclaiming the thousands of acres of degraded lands left behind by the 'galamsey' operators remains to be tackled.

The Mining Industry Has The Potential To Catalyse National Development PDF Print E-mail

Hon. Alhaji Inusah Fuseini (MP) sector Minister for Lands and Natural Resources has observed that beside the huge contribution the mining industry makes to national income, the sector has the potential to catalyse broad based national development when it is effectively integrated into the Ghanaian economy.

Ghana Will Survive Plunging Gold Prices PDF Print E-mail

President John Mahama has given the assurance that the country's gold industry will survive the current plunging gold prices on the world market. Industry players in the sector have expressed fears of a possible complete shutdown of the industry if the price of gold on the world market continues to fall.

Communities And Governments Must Focus On Growing The ‘Mining Pie’ PDF Print E-mail

The Ghana Chamber of Mines organized a forum on Resource Nationalism at La Palm Royal Beach Hotel in Accra on Thursday, 7th November 2013. The forum assembled about one hundred and fifty (150) key personalities, comprising policy makers, natural resource experts, representatives of civil society organisations and think thanks, government officials, heads and other representatives of regulatory bodies, traditional leaders of mining communities, the media, and many other key players of the mining industry.

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2015 Mining Sector Report

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