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EITI seeks to create that missing transparency and accountability in revenue flows from the extractive industry....

The initiative encourages, government, extractive companies, International agencies and NGO’s to work together to develop a framework to promote transparency of payments in the extractive industries.

EITI pursues a policy of openness which promotes the concept of tolerance and good governance through the disbursement of royalties to benificiary communities and public disclosures...

Government's strategy for the sector is based on the recognition that the development of solid minerals in a sustainable manner can not be achieved without a deep involvement of the affected communities.

The EITI strategy calls for the definition of effective ways and means to empower and engage mining communities in the development process and to promote responsible behavior....

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2015 Oil & Gas Report for Download

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2015 Oil & Gas Report for Download

NewOil & Gas Sector Report for 2015 Uploaded. Click here to download. Other reports varying formats are available from the Publications section. Please click [HERE]

Welcome to The Ghana Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative
Stakeholders Demand Reforms In Oil And Gas Governance PDF Print E-mail

Players in the oil and gas sector comprising Traditional Authorities, Members of Parliament, Representatives of Government Agencies, Development Partners, Civil Society Organisations, Gender- Based Organisations, Community-Based Organisations and the Private Sector have issued a communique at the end of a two- day stakeholder convention in the oil and gas sector.

Stanbic Bank affirms support for extractive industry PDF Print E-mail

The Executive of Mining, Energy and Infrastructure Finance at Stanbic Bank Ghana, Ms Celiwe Ntuli has reiterated the Banks support for the extractive industry in the face of global challenges facing the sector. Gold prices on the world market have been on the decline leading to a slowdown in mining activities and staff layoffs among other challenges globally.

Minerals commission urged to supervise miners PDF Print E-mail

The Minerals Commission of Ghana has been urged to supervise the activities of small and large scale miners, whose work poses economic problems for the people living in their operational communities. Mr. Alfred Ekow Gyan, Western Regional Deputy Minister, who made the appeal, said some of the miners only had either exploratory or prospecting licenses, yet they were doing real mining at the expense of local farmers, whose farmlands are being destroyed by their activities.

GhEITI Meeting With Major Forestry Sector Stakeholders PDF Print E-mail

The Ghana EITI will meet major Forestry Sector stakeholders, i.e. Company Reps. and MDAs at Royal Lamerta Hotel Kumasi on 11th - 13th December to sensitize them on the extension of the EITI to the Forestry Sector.

Upcoming Event: Ghana EITI Sensitization & Dissemination Workshop for the Parliamentary Select Committees of Mines and Energy, Finance and Public Accounts PDF Print E-mail

The Ghana EITI in collaboration with the German International Co-operation (GIZ) are organizing EITI sensitization and dissemination workshop for members of the Parliamentary Select Committees of Mines and Energy, Finance and Public Accounts from 8th –10th  November, 2013  at the Elmina Beach Resort, Central Region.

The objective of the two- day workshop is to sensitize members of the Select Committees of Mines and Energy, Public Accounts and Finance on the activities of the Ghana EITI and to share with them, the critical findings and recommendations of the Ghana EITI Aggregation and Reconciliation Reports for mining and oil and gas for the periods 2010/2011 and also discuss the draft GHEITI Bill.

3 mining coys won’t lay off workers - … Despite falling world gold price PDF Print E-mail

In spite of the falling price of on the world market and their challenges facing mining companies operating in Ghana, the managements of three mining companies have promised not to lay off workers, intending to find tore practical solutions to the problem. The companies are Golden Star Bogoso/Prestea Limited, Goldfields Ghana Limited and Ghana Manganese Company (GMC).

MPs charged to scrutinise mining contracts PDF Print E-mail

A civil society organisation (CSO) has called on Members of Parliament (MPs) to take bold and serious steps to ensure that all mining contracts that come before them are thoroughly scrutinised to avert loss of revenues to Ghana that hurts the national interest. According to the CSO, the country has lost huge potential revenues that could have boosted the cash-starved economy due to Parliament's approval of bad mining agreements that government had signed with mining companies.

Concerns Growing On African Mining Vision - Its detrimental to our continent, says ERA PDF Print E-mail

SERIOUS environmental human rights issues are currently being raised on the African Mining Vision (AMV) that was adopted by the African Union (AU) in 2009. Environmental rights advocacy groups being galvanized by Environmental Rights Action (ERA), a foremost environmental rights group in Nigeria, believes that the AMV that was adopted by AU to provide guidance on how extractive sector-mining must be managed in the continent only favours foreign investors to the detriment of the African people, and does not address critical livelihood concerns of local artisans.

Mining companies kick against adjusted ground rent PDF Print E-mail

Mining companies operating in Ghana have petitioned Parliament in an attempt to get the House to take a second look at what they describe as “gargantuan” ground rent imposed on them by the Office of the Administrator of Stool Lands (OASL). The companies argue that the decision to upwardly review the ground rent was taken by the OASL without consultation with the mining industry hence the difficulty in accepting the new rates.

Wassa Amenfi District cries for clean water PDF Print E-mail

The queen-mother of Wassa Dawurampong in the Wassa Amenfi East District of the Western Region, Nana Akua Ampomaa II, has appealed to government to as a matter of urgency, construct bore-holes in the area to serve as alternative water sources for the people.

UN Expert Group Launches First Fact-finding Visit to Ghana PDF Print E-mail

Friday, 5 July 2013, 3:01 pm
Press Release: United Nations Human Rights Commissioner
Business & Human Rights: UN Expert Group Launches First Fact-finding Visit to Ghana

GENEVA (4 July 2013) – A United Nations group of independent experts on business and human rights will undertake an information-gathering visit to Ghana from 8 to 17 July 2013, to look at current initiatives, opportunities and challenges in implementing the UN Guiding Principles* on Business and Human Rights in the country.

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2015 Mining Sector Report

2015 Mining Sector Report
2015 Mining Sector Report

2015 Oil & Gas Sector Report

2015 Oil and Gas Sector Report
2015 Oil and Gas Sector Report

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