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EITI seeks to create that missing transparency and accountability in revenue flows from the extractive industry....

The initiative encourages, government, extractive companies, International agencies and NGO’s to work together to develop a framework to promote transparency of payments in the extractive industries.

EITI pursues a policy of openness which promotes the concept of tolerance and good governance through the disbursement of royalties to benificiary communities and public disclosures...

Government's strategy for the sector is based on the recognition that the development of solid minerals in a sustainable manner can not be achieved without a deep involvement of the affected communities.

The EITI strategy calls for the definition of effective ways and means to empower and engage mining communities in the development process and to promote responsible behavior....

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2015 Mining Sector Report for Download

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2015 Mining Sector Report for Download

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Welcome to The Ghana Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative
Government will ensure prudent management and utilization of revenues - Ricketts-Hagan PDF Print E-mail

Government will ensure prudent management and utilization of revenues from the natural resources to the benefit of the people, Mr. Kweku Ricketts-Hagan, Deputy Minister of Finance, has assured.

He said in an address read for him at a dissemination workshop on the Ghana Extractive Industries Initiative (GHEITI) 2010/2011 Oil and Gas and Mining Reports organized by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning at Axim on Thursday. Mr. Ricketts-Hagan said district assemblies in mining areas were expected to demonstrate fiscal accountability and transparency in all expenditure decisions, particularly those relating to the use of mineral royalties.

Mining sector contributes GHc1.46 billion to GRA PDF Print E-mail

The mining sector paid GHc893.77 million in corporate tax to the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) in 2012. Dr Toni Aubynn, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Chamber of Mines, said the amount represented 36.98 percent of the total GRA tax collected within the period. Dr Aubynn said this during a media briefing on the activities of the chamber and mining companies in Sunyani.

International Conference on Payment Disclosure In The Extractive Industries Held In Accra PDF Print E-mail

An International Conference on Payment Disclosures in the Extractive Industries, yesterday, took place in Accra. About fifty participants from Ghana, Liberia, Mozambique, Europe and the United States of America attended the conference which was held on the theme: The Role of International Transparency Initiatives as Tools for Accountability in Africa’s Extractive Industries.

Statement by the Government of Ghana presented by Hon. Cassiel Ato Forson, MP Deputy Minister Of Finance At The 6th Global Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Conference - Sydney, Australia PDF Print E-mail

May 23-24, 2013

Hon. Chair
Distinguished Delegates

On behalf of the President of the Republic of Ghana, I wish to thank the EITI Chair and the Secretariat for extending an invitation to the President of the Republic of Ghana to participate in this important conference. Ghana is one of the pioneers of EITI implementation. The Government of Ghana committed itself and signed on to the initiative in 2003 and has since participated fully in all EITI activities both regionally and internationally. It is worth noting that Ghana is the first country to undertake the EITI in the mining sector and proactively extended it to the sub-national level and the oil and gas sector.

Gold Fields Ghana Is 2012 Best Tax Payer PDF Print E-mail

Gold Fields Ghana Is 2012 Best Tax Payer

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) presented Gold Fields Ghana Limited with the best Tax Payer Award for 2012 at its annual awards ceremony in Accra this week.

The ceremony honoring Gold Fields Ghana was held at the State Banquet hall and it recognized corporate institutions for their significant contributions to government revenue in terms of taxes paid. In 2012, Gold Fields Ghana contributed a total of US$250 million to Government revenue. The GRA also honored the company’s staff that worked hard in the year.

Workshop To Validate The 2010/2011 Final Draft GHEITI Audit Reports - Updated PDF Print E-mail

UPDATED - The Ghana Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (GHEITI) secretariat together with the EITI National Steering Committee, have completed the production of the 2010/2011 final draft Ghana EITI Audit Reports.  The Stakeholders have provided critical data and other inputs for the production of the reports. To ensure that the final reports accurately reflect stakeholders’ inputs the Ghana EITI secretariat is organising a technical validation round table workshop to discuss the report.

GHEITI Annual Report - 2012 PDF Print E-mail

Foreword by the GHEITI Chairman (Chief Director of MoFEP)

I am pleased to present the 2012 Annual GHEITI Report for the Ghana EITI Secretariat. This report provides a summary of the many activities carried out by members of the National Steering Committee (NSC) and the GHEITI Secretariat for the period January –December 2012. It also provides a brief background on the Ghana EITI process, the significant successes chalked during the year and outlook for 2013.

Through a huge variety of ambitious activities undertaken as per our 2012 work plan, we have reached most of our key stakeholders such as the CSOs, Companies, the media, Members of Parliament and community people in the mining and oil and gas enclaves of the country than ever before. 

Presentation by SLEITI National Coordinator on the topic - Achieving Compliance: The Challenges PDF Print E-mail

On behalf of the SLEITI Champion and the MSG in Sierra Leone, I thank the Ghana Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and the World Bank for organizing the EITI Regional Conference and for inviting a delegation from Sierra Leone to participate in the sharing of experiences, exchange of ideas and in identifying opportunities and challenges that will enable our extractive resources in our respective countries become the engine of growth and sustainable development.

Comments By Naa Prof John S. Nabila, Wulugunaba And President Of The National House Of Chiefs PDF Print E-mail

Ghana had its own share of challenges despite the useful policy recommendations made in the EITI reports to Government and other key stakeholders resulting ina number of reform measures. These challenges, in Ghana's situation, included:

Welcome Address by Chairman, GhEITI at Regional Conference - Accra, September 2012 PDF Print E-mail

Mr. Chairman, the fact that 35 countries across the globe are already implementing the initiative, about half of which are in Africa, goes to show what impact the initiative is capable of making and can make on our economies if properly followed through. It is in our overall interest that we in the African Region, take the advantage offered by the platform of the EITI to ensure that we get what is due to us, in a clear, honest and transparent manner.

Remarks by Dr. Steve Manteaw on behalf of CSOs PDF Print E-mail

- Regional Conference, September 2012

Na Chairman, your Excellency the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana,distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. I represent a coalition, whose membership at present includes organized groupsand NGOs working on mining, oil and gas, forestry, public sector accountability,policy advocacy, and environmental issues. These include: the Integrated SocialDevelopment Centre (ISODEC), Friends of the Nation, Centre for Public InterestLaw, Public Agenda, the Trades Union Congress of Ghana, the National CatholicSecretariat, League of Environmental Journalists, NEWENERGY, and WACAM.

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