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EITI seeks to create that missing transparency and accountability in revenue flows from the extractive industry....

The initiative encourages, government, extractive companies, International agencies and NGO’s to work together to develop a framework to promote transparency of payments in the extractive industries.

EITI pursues a policy of openness which promotes the concept of tolerance and good governance through the disbursement of royalties to benificiary communities and public disclosures...

Government's strategy for the sector is based on the recognition that the development of solid minerals in a sustainable manner can not be achieved without a deep involvement of the affected communities.

The EITI strategy calls for the definition of effective ways and means to empower and engage mining communities in the development process and to promote responsible behavior....

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2015 Mining Sector Report for Download

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Welcome to The Ghana Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative
Chamber Of Mines Envisage Increase In Output This Year PDF Print E-mail

The Ghana Chamber of Mines has projected a stronger gold output in 2011 on the back of additional production from new mines such as Adamus Resources.  The forecast is also based on prospects of increased output from Owere Mines’ expansion projects. Mr. Dan Owiredu, President of the Chamber, announced these at the 83rd Annual General meeting on the theme: “Building Partnership for Sustainable Community Development,” in Accra.

Welcome Address at the 2006-2008 GHEITI Audit Reports Dissemination Workshop at Eusbett Hotel – April 26, 2011 PDF Print E-mail


Mr. Chairman
Member of the GHEITI NSC
Distinguished Invitees from Government Agencies, and CSO
Ladies and Gentlemen

Good Morning and welcome to today’s workshop on the dissemination of the findings and recommendations of the 2006- 2008 EITI Aggregators reports. The public disclosure of these figures allows for greater scrutiny of how the revenues are being used and provides an important base for government and public debate on the management of public finances. Additionally, by providing detailed reporting and inviting public participation, a government demonstrates its commitment to good governance and builds confidence in public institutions.

Chamber of Mines proposes 30 percent royalties for communities PDF Print E-mail

The Ghana Chamber of Mines (GCM) has proposed that government returned at least 30 percent of the total mineral royalties paid by mining firms to communities in which they operated. The chamber said the amount should be set aside for a specific period of time and ring-fenced for specific infrastructural development within the communities.

Statement of Government of Ghana presented at the 5th Global EITI Conference in Paris, France - March 2-3, 2011 PDF Print E-mail

Mr. Chairman,
Distinguished Delegates

On behalf of the President of the Republic of Ghana, I wish to thank the EITI Chairman and the Secretariat for extending an invitation to the President of the Republic of Ghana to participate in this important conference. Much as H.E Prof. Evans Atta Mills would have wished to be personally present here today, equally important national assignments which were scheduled earlier than this meeting, have engaged his attention. He has therefore mandated me to make this statement on his behalf. Though not present at this meeting, the President, and his Government remain committed to Ghana‘s implementation of the EITI.

Ghana Extractive Transparency Initiative (GHEITI) meet Parliamentarians to brief them on Recent Findings PDF Print E-mail

Ghana Extractive Transparency Initiative (GHEITI) meets parliamentarians to sensitize them on recent findings and recommendations of the recently launched 2006-2008 Ghana EITI reports.  Mr Mike Hammah, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, has said the legislation of the Ghana Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (GHEITI) is critical for demanding revenue data from the extractive companies.

Government Frowns On Abuse Of Royalties - Minister PDF Print E-mail

Mr. Henry Ford Kamel, Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, at the weekend spoke against the misapplication of proceeds from royalties paid through the extraction of natural resources. He said as a result, government is fine-tuning a legislation and policy guidelines to make the payment of royalties devoid of abuse.

Tarkwa Community Forum on EITI PDF Print E-mail

On 14th December 2010, the GHEITI Secretariat and the National Steering Committee in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning organized a durbar/forum at the Tarkwa Community Centre to sensitize the people on the principles of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative. Although there have been several instances of sensitization activities for the Media, Civil Society, Companies and other target stakeholders, the Tarkwa Forum was the first of its kind to interact with people at the grass root and in an informal way. 

GHEITI to Participate in EITI Global Exhibition/Conference in Paris from 2 – 3 March 2011 PDF Print E-mail


A global conference will be held for the first time to feature an EITI National Exhibition in PARIS from the 2nd to the 3rd of March 2011 where representatives from EITI implementing countries will be invited to present and share stories from EITI implementation unique to their respective countries. Ghana will mount a stand at this global exhibition and conference.

Stakeholders Workhop on the Extension of the Extractive Industries Transparency (EITI) to the Forestry Sector PDF Print E-mail

On 30th November 2010 the Ghana EITI Secretariat in collaboration with Publish What You Pay Coalition (PWYP) organized a knowledge sharing and information gathering workshop for stakeholders involved in the Ghana Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (GHEITI) and forestry sector. The workshop was to provide the opportunity for stakeholders to better understand the dynamics of fiscal transparency issues in the forestry sector, particularly with respect to its revenue streams.

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About EITI in Ghana

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) was launched by the UK Prime Minister at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, September 2002. 

The initiative encourages, government, extractive companies, International agencies and NGO’s to work together to develop a framework to promote transparency of payments in the extractive industries. The EITI therefore seeks to create that missing transparency and accountability in revenue flows from the extractive industry.

GHEITI/GTZ/SAP Training Workshop on IT Solutions for the GHEITI Process PDF Print E-mail

The Ghana EITI together with GTZ and SAP are underway to implement the IT reporting base software. In this regard, a training workshop was organized for the end users of the software and other relevant stakeholders. The purpose of the training was to give end users a hands on training for the use of the software.

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